Friday, December 24, 2010

Feeling nauseous for Christmas

Nothing like Christmas Eve and a little nausea. I know it's inevitable, but every time I hope my body will have adjusted and I will feel fine. No such luck. I wasn't even able to keep my breakfast down today. I'm just hanging out in my bed with Ben, watching Whip It, Drew Barrymore's roller derby movie. It's nice to have a dog to keep me company.

The doctor's office is closed today, so no CA125 results until Monday. I have been visualizing a 9. My FTC sister in Boston, Bonnie, just got a 9 and I want us to match! I'm so happy you are doing so well, Bonnie.

I'll be feeling better by Monday, but for now I'm going back to vegging in my bed. Everyone have a wonderful Christmas. Take a minute to appreciate your good health.

Namste, Jill


  1. I hope the nausea passes quickly for you! I will visualize a 9 along with you and Bonnie. :-)

    Sending healing love and prayers your way! May the Angels of healing be with you.

    Wishing you many blessings this season and in 2011!

    Love & Hugs -- Debbie

  2. I will be giving the number 9 the full "Ommmmm" treatment, as in "niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine".

    I will also visualize you out of bed and feeling better. Thank goodness for dogs!


  3. Yes, going for the nine! I hope the nausea lets up and you get to enjoy some Christmas with Casey and the kids. We're all thinking of you here in Haeuserville. <3

