Friday, December 31, 2010


New Year's Eve! As a teacher, for me the new year begins in August when a new school year begins. It's nice that NYE will always be our wedding anniversary from now on. If it wasn't, we'd stay home and do nothing. Now we have to go out! We're going to Colby Jack's for dinner with my sister-in-law, Chris, and her daughter, Sarah. We are taking champagne with us and I am even going to have a glass or two. It's my week off chemo and my oncology nurse gave me permission. :)

I signed up for the Yoga Journal's 21 Day Yoga Challenge. Last summer I signed up for the Chopra Center's 21 Day Meditation Challenge. It was very helpful in the hospital and afterward, but I didn't make it all 21 days. So, starting next Monday I plan to go back to the beginning of the the Chopra Challenge and add the Yoga Challenge to it. Casey is going to join me, and we are going to start a daily meditation/yoga routine. I feel it is my best defense against cancer, and it will be so good for us!

Of course, I will still be practicing with Cathy and Jean. I had the luxury of two days in a row this week, and it was heaven. I will have another two days in a row Saturday and Sunday, and then Monday we start the Challenge. I may not be able to do all of the yoga, every day, but I will do what I can.

I also need to stop eating sugar. Although the authorities don't agree on the effects of sugar on cancer, I know it's not good for me and I need to stop. I've been eating cookies, ice cream, cheesecake (YUM! Thanks, Amelia) etc every day I don't feel nauseous for the past month or two. Casey and I both need to scale that back.

So...New Year's resolutions involve meditation, yoga, no processed sugar. These are all weapons in my arsenal against cancer!


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