Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last IP Chemo!

I've been sleeping like crazy since we got back. Yesterday I napped on and off all day, had a wonderful massage, then slept 12 hours last night. Yup, I wore myself out. I am strong, but I am still in the thick of the battle. I played and I am paying.

Today I go in for my last chemo. One last fun-filled 8 hour day with lines going into both ports and really bad food. Casey goes out to get us lunch. Hospital food is a problem. Not only is it bad, they give you everything a cancer patient should not be eating. The American medical community needs to learn about nutrition. Doctors receive no training in nutrition. The nutritionists in the hospitals buy into the SAD (standard American diet and aptly named) that is created by the food industry. The last time I was having chemo lunch was a gray piece of very processed turkey, mushy veggies, salty broth, coffee, and a sugary dessert. It felt like they were trying to either totally gross me out (they succeeded) or kill me slowly. After surgery all you get for a week is jello, popsicles, broth...have some sugar and salt to help you recover!! Lame, short sighted, lame.

I have an appointment next week with a radiation oncologist to discuss the possibility of radiation. If it happens, I will go in 5 days a week for 6 weeks. I posted a question about it on the National Ovarian Cancer Alliance site. The responses I received were all similar: it makes you nauseous, it burns your skin, and you have to take lots of immodium. OK, CA125...get your ass down into single digits so this doesn't have to happen.

I haven't practiced my yoga for over a week now. I have felt too bad since coming home. You know I feel bad when I miss yoga. I know it will make me feel better, but all I want to do right now is sleep. I'll be in a hospital bed all day today, so that's probably what I'll do, until it's time to turn on the bed like a chicken on a rotisserie. Last time! Yippee.

This is standing in the kitchen, looking out over our TV room:


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